Cabbage stem flea beetle pressure low for now, trap network shows

A network of digital insect traps are showing that the adult cabbage stem flea beetle pressure is curently low, which combined with a farmer survey offer some positive news for rapeseed growers. 

United Oilseeds has established a network of Bayer’s MagicTrap across the UK to keep a close eye on flea beetle pressure across the UK, ahead of the typical summer bank holiday migration season. 

See also: Cereals 2024: Smart trap alerts OSR growers to pest threats

With 20 United Oilseeds traps already out in the field and many more member traps joining the network, United Oilseeds says that pest pressure seems to be currently low, particularly when compared to some of the stories and images seen last year. 

“Without a doubt, we are seeing a lot less flea beetle in and around the OSR sheds so far this season than we have seen in recent years,” says Leicestershire farmer and storekeeper at Welland Grain, Jeremy Farmer.

MagicTrap smart trap

© MAG/Richard Allison

Andrew Pearcy a regular OSR grower from Tadcaster in North Yorkshire commented: “We have seen absolutely no flea beetle at all this year.

“We sowed the new crop on 31 July and with a little bit of timely moisture the seed germinated within six days and looks completely unscathed.” 

Mr Pearcy was one of the United Oilseeds members who responded to its recent poll asking farmers what pest pressure had been like this year, and the responses show there is low pressure at the moment.

“Out of all responders, 72.3% said they’d seen none or a few, or 91.3% said they’d seen none/a few/some.”

United Oilseeds managing director James Warner said: “The collection and transparent sharing of aggregated data, whether through MagicTrap, surveys, or anecdotal evidence, will become more and more important in our fight against flea beetle.

“It’s certainly positive to hear that CSFB appears to be less of a problem so far this year.

“That’s not to say there are none, and we are still ahead of the typical migration window, but from the conversations I’m having with growers it is notably different to last year.” 

United Oilseeds will continue to monitor pest pressure via the MagicTrap network, particularly over the crucial next month.

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