AHDB looks to levy payers to submit arable research ideas

AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds is asking levy payers to submit ideas for research and knowledge exchange activities to help target investment in upcoming projects.

The sector hopes to fund work that speeds up the adoption of innovative and sustainable practices on farm and within the supply chain.

Senior research and knowledge exchange manager Laura James says the latest approach pivots around a new farmer-led committee which reviews levy payer ideas, research proposals and funding.

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“A good stock of ideas for research and knowledge exchange (R&KE) investment is essential for the approach, so we have made it easy for levy payers to submit an idea, by emailing research.ideas@ahdb.org.uk,” says Laura.

James Standen, who chairs the R&KE committee, said: “AHDB has a long history of funding independent research for the cereals and oilseeds sector.

“The new R&KE commissioning approach puts farmers at the front and centre of investment decisions.

“With their ideas usually considered quarterly, it also makes investment decisions more responsive to evolving priorities. It is an exciting time to be at the forefront of crop research.”

James is the farms director for Newcastle University Farms, which runs a dairy herd, breeder finisher pig unit and arable enterprises. He also farms on a tenanted arable and livestock farm in partnership with his wife.

First outcome proposals

Topics such as crop nutrition, cover crops, ergot management and weed control inspired the first tranche of investment proposals.

Ergot management

At the start of 2022, the EU revised its permissable limits for ergot sclerotia and alkaloids in grain. The inclusion of maximum levels for alkaloids means that ergot risk will need even closer management.

At present, the levels apply in Northern Ireland, with adoption in UK law being considered.

As the industry needs a better understanding of the causal fungus, the R&KE committee and the sector council have announced plans to commission a high-level review to help revise UK ergot management guidelines.

Cover crops

The R&KE committee and the sector council have commissioned a mix of on-farm demonstrations and evidence reviews to help farmers integrate cover crops in their rotations.

The funding will establish a national network of commercial farms to demonstrate cover crop approaches.

Combined with the evidence reviews, the work will develop independent information associated with many aspects of growing cover crops, including destruction methods, nutrient management implications and long-term benefits.

Weed management

With herbicide-resistance concerns and the adoption of less-intensive cultivation systems, the integrated management of grass weeds in cereal crops is increasingly raised by farmers.

For example, there is interest in pre-planting solutions (such as varietal competitiveness) and in-crop solutions (such as mechanical weed control).

It is a complex topic. The R&KE committee has asked the AHDB team to provide more information on potential project approaches and costs before it can make investment recommendations.

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