Combine to roll in Hampshire today

Tim Sykes hopes to be combining oilseed rape at Denmead Farm, Waterlooville, Hampshire, today (22 July), after a week of being rained off.
“We cut 21ha (53 acres) of Cabernet last Friday, which did very well indeed, for a variety that’s supposed to be finished and unreliable.
“It looked fantastic throughout, having been min-tilled in after wheat on a bog standard arable field, and yielded 4.7t/ha (1.9t/acre).”
Mr Sykes now had 40ha (100 acres) of Cabernet left to cut, along with 80ha (200 acres) of Fashion and Sesame.
Spring barley didn’t look too bad, he added. “I’d be happy with 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre) and a malting spec.”
But Cordiale winter wheat would be ready before it, with Invicta also looking good, with nice large ears.
“If the wheat yields as well as it looks I’ll be very pleased.”
Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: Cabernet
Area: 21ha (53 acres)
Yield: 1.9t/ha (4.7t/acre)