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British Sugar offers sugar beet growers £27/t for 2022/23 contract

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As the sole processor of the UK’s beet sugar crop, we work in partnership with over 2,500 growers and our customers to deliver a world-class product that is made to the highest standards every day. We are the leading producer of sugar for the British and Irish food and beverage markets, processing around eight million tonnes of homegrown sugar beet and producing up to 1.4 million tonnes of sugar each year.

Sugar beet growers are better-placed to make their 2022 cropping decisions following British Sugar’s announcement to pay £27.00/t for the 2022/23 one-year contract.

The 33% increase in price acknowledges increases in input costs and inflation in alternative crop prices, as well as providing growers with a share of the recent improvements in sugar pricing.

Sugar beet plants

© Tim Scrivener

Guaranteed fixed prices

The £27/t one-year fixed price complements an option for existing 2020/21 and 2021/22 multi-year contracts to be upgraded from £21.18/t to a guaranteed fixed £25/t, subject to committing to an additional contract year.

Local premium

Growers within 28 miles of their nearest factory will receive an additional payment per adjusted tonne. Starting at £2/t up to 9 miles, the contribution decreases on a linear scale by 10p/t per mile.

For example, a grower at 15 miles will receive an additional £1.40/t. That’s a potential income of £28.40/t with tonnage on the 2022 one-year contract, and over £29/t with the average Late Delivery Allowance.

Sugar beet plants

© Tim Scrivener

Virus Yellows Assurance

The £12m Virus Yellows Assurance Scheme compensates growers for yield losses due to virus yellows. Industry-wide efforts continue with advocacy for plant protection products and future breeding techniques.

Additional tonnes welcomed

Growers in East Anglia can apply for additional tonnes on the 2022/23 one-year contract, on the higher-priced multi-year upgrades, and on the Futures-linked variable price contract.

Sugar beet in the clamp

© Tim Scrivener

Contracting opens mid-October

British Sugar anticipate opening its online contracting screens, and issue postal Contract Offers to non-online users, in mid-October.

Farmers in East Anglia interested in growing beet are also welcome to apply for their own contract or discover other growing options on offer.

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