Approval for malting barleys

Two new high-yielding winter barley varieties have gained provisional brewing approval.

Winsome and Purdey from Syngenta seeds gained Provisional Approval 1 for brewing use on the Institute of Brewing and Distilling approved list launched at the end of May.

Winsome had the highest UK treated yield of all malting barley varieties on the Recommended List at 100% of controls, said sales and marketing manager Samantha Smith. “It is very high quality with the highest hot water extract rating on the list. It also has good mildew, net blotch and rhynchosporium resistance.”

It was the earliest ripening winter malting barley variety, but did not have barley yellow mosaic variety resistance, she said.

Purdey yielded 99% of controls on the RL and offered the highest yield potential for growers in the east, she said. “It has very good grain quality and is resistant to barley yellow mosaic virus, rhynchosporium and net blotch.”

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