Academy gives advice on managing barley disease ramularia
Growers can now brush up on their understanding of rising barley disease threat ramularia and prevent costly yield loss by studying a Farmers Weekly Academy module.
When the pathogen was first identified in 2008, it was considered a problem confined to the often-damp Scottish arable areas, with outbreaks directly linked to leaf wetness at stem extension.
However, it has since spread across most of the UK – thought likely to have been via infected seed – and is a particular problem in min-till systems, as secondary spores can be carried on crop debris.
See also: SDHI fungicide resistance discovered in key barley disease
As heavy infections can cost 0.5t/ha in barley yield, it is vital that to know key risk indicators, how to identify disease symptoms, the timing of treatment and the best fungicide products to use.
In the new ramularia module, within the cereal diseases course on the Farmers Weekly Academy website, Scotland’s Rural College disease expert Neil Havis helps fill in knowledge gaps and aid growers trying to keep a lid on this damaging disease.
Study the full ‘How to manage ramularia’ module and earn 2 Basis CPD points by taking the test.