6 must-see agronomy innovations at Cereals

A wealth of novel science and agronomy will be on show at Cereals 2015.

Farmers Weekly picks six highlights to help you plan your day.

1. Cover crops

There is increasing farmer interest in cover crops and this is a key feature of Niab Tag’s stand.

On display will be the different types of cover crops, along with their benefits, tips on which ones to select and how to get the most out of them.

See also: How to select the right varieties for high crop yields and premiums

DSV is also looking at how plants can be used to improve soil structure through the concept of undersowing oilseed rape with legumes and grass mixes.

The company says early indications suggest that, in addition to improving soils, it can make rape crops more self-sufficient nutritionally and suppress weeds.

2. Blackgrass control

Blackgrass is a costly problem that is spreading across the UK and at Bayer CropScience’s stand there will be a focus on how non-chemical cultural controls can help farmers get blackgrass populations down to manageable levels.

The HGCA will also offer the latest findings from its blackgrass research, exhibiting for the first time under its new name, AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds.

3. New chemistry

Dow AgroSciences will preview a herbicide active ingredient, which is nearing market release, and which the company says will further improve the ability for UK agriculture to increase yield.

A seed treatment undergoing UK development based on next-generation SDHI fungicide technology will be demonstrated by Syngenta.

The company will display its abilities to control key seedling diseases and to boost rooting power, to help produce better crop establishment, healthier plants and extra yield potential.

4. Technology

Technology has a key role in crop management, and there is much interest in what drones can offer.

Velcourt gives an insight into its three-year project looking at the deployment of drones within its farms to detect, identify and quantify disease.

Further blue-sky thinking from Rothamsted Research, exhibiting with the John Innes Centre, will present developments in BBSRC research including using GM technology to produce a sustainable source of omega-3 fish oil in oilseed.

5. OSR establishment

Continuing the oilseed rape theme, Velcourt will also tackle OSR establishment, giving a first-hand demonstration on the effects of drilling date on flea beetle damage and an explanation of the systems the firm uses to mitigate its effect.

DSV is another company examining the crop’s establishment without neonicotinoids, offering advice on drilling date, plant populations and cultivation method to ensure crops get off to a good start without the seed treatments.

6. Agronomy training

The Association of Independent Crop Consultants is launching its bespoke academy for new entrants working alongside established AICC members.

The aim is to provide these new entrants, post Basis, with a sound technical platform to prepare them for an independent career in agronomy.


Cereals 2015 takes place on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 June, at Boothby Graffoe, Lincolnshire. Tickets cost £24 each (£20 for students) and are available at the Cereals website

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