15 tweets to perfectly sum up the British harvest so far
From Lincolnshire to Hampshire, Suffolk to Essex, winter barley and oilseed rape harvests are now underway in a number of counties across the UK.
We’ve rounded up 15 tweets that we think best represent the mood across the country.
What that hiding by the workshop? Wait for the damp to disappear then we will give it a go #harvest15 @FWharvest pic.twitter.com/W3XGUXEJaq
— Edward Ford (@Ed_Farmer_Ford) July 16, 2015
Yesterday morning Essex oilseed rape grower Ed Ford was primed and ready for his harvest to begin. All he needed was a little sunshine.
A few hours later the combine entered the first field…
Well we are underway with #harvest15. Moisture just under 10%. No idea of yield yet @fwharvest pic.twitter.com/j3uVRHIrLt
— Edward Ford (@Ed_Farmer_Ford) July 16, 2015
It was a similar story for one Norfolk grower.
Sitting and waiting for the sun to shine. #harvest15 #clubhectare pic.twitter.com/2QB5XaTRKd
— Jonathan Lloyd (@OrribleFarmer) July 15, 2015
#harvest15 has commenced! pic.twitter.com/x1by5dQj4T
— Jonathan Lloyd (@OrribleFarmer) July 16, 2015
Combines are starting to roll into oilseed rape in Bedford too…
Cutting rape at 9.5% moisture……perfect! #harvest15 #claas #lexion
— Bedfordia Farms (@BedfordiaFarms) July 17, 2015
Meanwhile near Bath in Somerset, some growers resorted to wearing waterproofs.
Wet weather gear in July?! Come on now …. #nojoke #harvest15 pic.twitter.com/5BH6WZdpcv
— Emily #GFGrower (@BathFarmGirl) July 15, 2015
After a very dry spell a few weeks back, it seems all those rain dances worked with a delayed reaction. Hertfordshire got a soaking last night…
Unbelievable amount of rain last night. 68mm in about an hour. The clover will appreciate it but about 6 weeks too late for everything else.
— Stuart roberts (@HertsFarmer) July 17, 2015
The weather was kinder to farmers in Cambridgeshire.
The farm had 0.5mm rain last night. #luckyescape
— Jon eayrs (@Jeayrs) July 17, 2015
@FWharvest we’re on the go! pic.twitter.com/4TXXw9chsq
— Jon eayrs (@Jeayrs) July 16, 2015
Over in Suffolk, Ben Martin was pleased to see his harvest commence on a day other than a Sunday.
Lovely afternoon to kick off #harvest15 makes a change from it being on a Sunday. pic.twitter.com/5lUZjkTL1c
— Ben Martin (@farmer_benn) July 16, 2015
Work to prepare oilseed rape crops for harvest was underway in Nottinghamshire.
Just making a start on this perfect spray morning. #harvest15 #nodrift pic.twitter.com/CkGWFdI5Vj
— Farmer Spink (@spink_farming) July 16, 2015
Others were still a way off harvest but itching to get going.
A year ago today we started #harvest2014 with #OSR. This year OSR is still 2 weeks off and #barley at least 10 days. #keentobeon #harvest15
— David Foster (@davidfoster1996) July 16, 2015
@Wyefarm snap strange how 2 years can be so different ! Combines not even serviced for this year yet ! pic.twitter.com/jPbZsFK8vi
— David Boden (@bodenfarming) July 15, 2015
Winter barley starting to ripen #harvest15 fast approaching. pic.twitter.com/4OOGstFQPG
— Chris Baylis (@BaylisChris) July 15, 2015
Keep us updated with your harvest progress by tweeting @fwharvest, liking our Harvest Live 2015 Facebook page, sharing harvest photos with us on Instagram by mentioning @farmersweekly in the caption and uploading your harvest snaps to our gallery.