£1,000 up for grabs in our fungicide survey

Farmers Weekly is conducting a survey on cereal fungicide resistance to gauge the attitudes and understanding of growers and advisers on the issue.

Those who complete the survey will be automatically entered into a draw for the chance to win a cash prize of £1,000.

Resistance to key fungicides in yield-hitting diseases such as septoria in winter wheat has been on the rise in recent seasons, with azole chemistry declining in efficacy and strobilurins ineffective against the disease.

Another chemical group, the SDHIs, remains effective, but is deemed high risk for the development of fungicide resistance if used irresponsibly.

Knowing how to formulate a fungicide programme that incorporates a robust fungicide resistance management strategy will be crucial to maintain adequate disease control and crop yields.

Complete our survey by clicking on the link below and help us identify any fungicide resistance knowledge gaps within the arable industry and allow us to address them by providing the relevant information.

Click here to complete the survey

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