Waiting for crops to ripen in Yorkshire

Derek Lamplough is hoping to start cutting spring barley at Manor Farm, Scarborough, Yorkshire, soon, and is optimistic about the crop.
“It looks very well. But the wheat doesn’t look as good – it’s suffered from a lot of fusarium.”
Although a neighbour was cutting wheat today (21 August), most of the wheat in the area wouldn’t be ready until next week, said Mr Lamplough.
“It’s the first wheat I’ve seen combined around here, and it’s always early land there.”
Cassata winter barley was unexciting, yielding just under 7.4t/ha. “But the malting quality seems to be alright.
“I haven’t sold it yet – I think the maltsters are all waiting to see what the spring barley is like.”
Vining peas had been extremely variable, ranging from appalling to very good, he added.
“Peas don’t like heavy land, and the planting was terrible due to the weather – it’s just a symptom of the season.”
Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Cassata
Yield: <7.4t/ha