Hit and miss in Lincolnshire

Harvest continues to be frustrated by showers in Lincolnshire, with about 50% of the wheat in the barn, according to John Burnett, managing director of Woldgrain.
“We got off to a fairly brisk start three weeks ago, but then it petered out because of the weather.
“Last week was pretty slow, and by the weekend we had only taken in 20,000t of our 55,000t capacity.”
Combines had been rolling over the weekend, but rain last night meant little would be cut today (16 August), he added.
“It’s probably going to remain a bit hit-and-miss for the rest of the week.”
Oilseed rape harvest was almost complete, with most farmers now into spring barley and wheat.
Both winter and spring barleys were suffering with high nitrogen levels, said Mr Burnett.
But wheat was holding up well, despite the wet weather. “Bushelweights and Hagbergs still seem to be fine.”