Excellent yields in Dorset, says Wessex Grain

Wheat yields are extremely good in the Dorset area, although milling proteins are on the low side, according to Nick Matthews, trading director at Wessex Grain.
“Most of the group one varieties are cut now, and we’ve had very good yields – a number of people are doing 8.5-10.5t/ha (3.4-4.3t/acre).”
Although early protein contents were good, the later crops were lower, at about 12%, he said.
“We’re now getting some feed wheat in – we had some Diego which did 12t/ha (4.9t/acre).
“Although we lost a few tillers in the spring, the ears flowered in perfect conditions and every grain site is full of bold grain.”
Bushelweights ranged from 79.6kg/hl to 87kg/hl, with about 20% of the wheat area now cut, said Mr Matthews.
“It’s a phenomenal crop. When we really get into the wheat we’re going to see some huge yields down here, as long as the weather holds.”
Oat yields had also been good, as had early spring barley yields, he added. “The spring barley ranges from 7t to 8.5t/ha (2.8-3.4t/acre), are is big and bold, with nitrogen contents of 1.5-1.9%.”
Winter barley had been the most disappointing crop, as it was hardest hit by the dry spring.
“But the oilseed rape is just exceptional, with many farms averaging over 5t/ha (2t/acre). The stores are all filled up; we loaded an 8000t ship out of Poole and could do another; it’s coming out of our ears.”