Starting wheat in Lincolnshire

Ben Hargreaves started combining Cordiale wheat this morning (1 August) at Low Farm, Thornton Curtis, Lincolnshire, having finished his oilseed rape.
“The wheat is three or four days earlier than normal but it looks an okay crop and is coming in at 14% moisture.”
Not much wheat had been cut in the area as yet, he said.
Panther spring barley, grown as seed for Limagrain, would be ready to cut tomorrow. “It looks alright, but it is on a lighter soil – anything on the lighter land looks less good than the heavier land.”
Oilseed rape had yielded extremely well, with Rascal, also grown for seed, yielding 4.8t/ha (1.9t/acre) at 9% moisture.
“The Dimension did very well, out-yielding the Rascal, but the Excalibur was on lighter land and had some very thin patches.”
Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: Rascal
Area: 5.6ha (13.8 acres)
Yield: 4.8t/ha (1.9t/acre)
Variety: Dimension
Yield: >4.8t/ha (1.9t/acre)