Market initiative launched to promote herd health

Farmers in the north of England are set to benefit from a new initiative to promote the sale of cattle from high health status herds.
Vet practices in the north of England are working in collaboration with Hexham and Northern Marts to promote cattle health schemes on sale catalogues.
The aim is to increase membership of cattle health schemes in a bid to eradicate disease, and ensure a premium for health scheme members.
At present, schemes acknowledged by the Cattle Health Certification standards (UK) include Biobest HiHealth Herdcare, SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme and Herdsure Cattle Health Improvement Service.
In addition, there are programmes to ensure both dairy and beef herds are free from bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), leptospirosis and Johne’s Disease.
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