Global weather concerns continue

Weather conditions continue to affect crops around the globe, with rain stopping harvest in France and a heatwave threatening yields in America.

Combines in Northern France ground to a halt over the weekend, but farmers were pleasantly surprised by oilseed rape yields, said analyst Agritel.

Thunderstorms were forecast in Ukraine today (18 July), but the weather should then improve.
“In Russia, export activity is surging; between 1 and 13 July it exported 770,000t of grains, mostly to Egypt, Turkey, Israel.”

Exports for the month should amount to 1.5m tonnes, said first vice prime minister Viktor Zubkov.

However, across the Atlantic, American markets remained firm, with renewed worries over weather conditions.

“Every weather report is awaited with the greatest attention as the heat wave expected for the week threathens the corn pollinisation in the Corn Belt,” said Agritel’s report.

“Some storms are still expected for this morning and could increase the volatility.”

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