Send us your drought videos and photos

Dry weather is causing farmers huge worries, with some areas having seen the driest spring for a century.
Parts of the south and east of England have been particularly badly hit, with some crop yields forceast to fall as much as 20%.
In a bid to increase knowledge of the extent of the problem – and potentially share solutions to combating it – we want farmers to share their experiences.
There are various ways you can let us know how the dry weather is affecting you and how bad conditions are in your area.
Add a comment on our forums
You can share your views – and read what others are saying – on our forums.
Send us a photo
Snap a picture or two and either add it direct to our Drought 2011 gallery or email it to
Get a relative or friend to video you on a phone or home-movie camera, upload it to YouTube and send us the link. It only needs to be a few seconds – showing us affected crops or ground. Remember, when you’re shooting footage, get some close-ups as well as some shots of you in the frame talking.