New dual species flukicide launched

A new dual-species flukicide that promise to improve convenience and efficiency for farmers has been launched in the UK.
Fasinex 100 from Novartis Animal Health is an evolution of Fasinex 5%, used in the treatment of fluke in sheep, and Fasinex 10%, used for cattle
The meat-withhold period in sheep has been reduced by 21 days, compared to Fasinex 5%, to just 35 days.
The ability to treat both sheep and cattle from the same bottle reduces wasted product at the end of treatment, says Simon Harris, Fasinex UK brand manager. “Additionally, the double-strength formulation for sheep compared to Fasinex 5% means only half as much costly packaging needs disposing.”
Simultaneous treatment of both species can also reduce the incidence of re-infection. “If the sheep alone are treated on dual-species sites, then the cattle can be a reservoir for infection and vice versa,” said Novartis Animal Health vet advisor Saul Harvey.
Fluke infection remains an ongoing problem for UK farmers, with a recent Meat Hygiene Service report showing a 20% condemnation rate of bovine livers, and Dunbia abattoir data showing 21% condemnation of sheep livers due to fluke.
Vet Debby Brown, of Castle Vets, Co Durham, says: “I think this will be a useful product. The biggest advantage would be when pre-tupping coincides with post-housing for cattle.
“Our recommendation is always to treat before fluke symptoms appear in your stock. Once people see the problem, they have no hesitation in using preventative measures,” she says.
Farmers should take advice from their medicines prescriber regarding treatment times.
To add additional convenience and efficiency for farmers, Fasinex 100 will be launched with the innovative Fasinex Optiline Drencher, which is easier to use than traditional drenchers and causes much less strain to the hand.