First Charolais sexed semen available from Genus

The first Charolais sexed semen is now available from Genus. The two bulls on offer, Blelack Digger and Clyth Diplomat, have both been selected for their overall potential performance, as well as their maternal traits.
Blelack Digger, a Balthayock Adonis son and out of a Galcantry-bred cow by Blelack Montgomery, is within the breed’s top 1% with a Terminal Index (TI) of +56 and Self Replacing Index (SRI) of +64. In addition, he has a Calving Ease Direct EBV of +6.8 and he is one of the breed society’s top promising young bulls.
Clyth Diplomat (TI +25, SRI +33) is by Oldstone Egbert and out of a Beauchamp Foreman-sired cow who is noted for consistently breeding bulls demonstrating Charolais character. Diplomat secured the junior championship in Stirling, October 2009 and sold for 16,000gns to Brian McAllister, Kells, Ballymena.
“We are pleased to make British Charolais sexed semen available for the first time,” said the breed society’s David Benson. “These two bulls will provide a great opportunity for pedigree breeders to use on best breeding lines to ensure guaranteed continuity of the proven bloodlines and perpetuate the herd for future generations.”
Blelack Digger and Clyth Diplomat are available from the Genus Premier Collection cost £40.