Pack report calls for headage payments
The reintroduction of some headage payments has been suggested as part of the final report of the Pack Inquiry into Future Support for Agriculture in Scotland.
The inquiry, published on Wednesday (3 Nov) contains 23 specific recommendations.
These include:
• Basing future support on Less Favoured Area (LFA) Status to compensate farmers for the higher costs involved in meeting regulatory requirements
• Farmers in LFA would be eligible for an area-based payment, a top-up payments and headage payments. Farmers in non-LFA would be eligible for area based and a top up payments
• Introducing a new Scottish Beef Calf Scheme and lamb headage scheme
• A top up fund to encourage competitiveness and help farmers tackle food security, climate change, biodiversity, and water and energy supply
The inquiry was commissioned by rural affairs secretary Richard Lochhead in June 2009 to examine agricultural subsidy and consider how best future support should be tailored to deliver a sustainable sector.
Mr Lochead said the analysis was one of the most thorough pieces of work ever undertaken into farming support and it had already caught the attention of Brussels.
“Today is a hugely important milestone in a long journey, that will include several years of negotiation.
“I urge stakeholders to look at the big picture and engage with us on the principles the inquiry has set out. I now have to carefully reflect on Brian Pack’s recommendations and work in partnership with our rural communities to deliver the best outcome for Scotland.”
A spokesman for the European Commission described the document as a serious study into what future farm policy should look like.
“The Pack report, and others like it, will make a valuable contribution to Europe’s work on the future of the Common Agriculture Policy.”