Finished at Shandwick Mains

Jim Whiteford has finished harvest at Shandwick Mains, Castlecraig Nigg, Tain, Inverness, with yields generally slightly below last year.
“We had a good two weeks of weather but at the weekend it went back to squally showers.”
Waggon feed barley yielded 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre) – 0.7t/ha (0.3t/acre) less than last year, due in part to a very dry June, he said.
Volume winter barley did well, however, at 9.6t/ha (3.9t/acre).
Optic spring barley was also pleasing, yielding 7.2t/ha (2.9t/acre), slightly less than last year, but with excellent quality.
The 26ha (65 acres) of oilseed rape proved disappointing, at 4t/ha (1.6t/acre).
“But wheat was an absolute stunner, at 11.4t/ha (4.6t/acre). I am very impressed with Viscount – there was lots of seed and not too much straw to slow the harvester.”
Crop: Winter wheat
Variety: Viscount
Area: 71ha (176 acres)
Yield: 11.4t/ha (4.6t/acre)
Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Volume
Area: 16ha (40 acres)
Yield: 9.6t/ha (3.9t/acre)
Variety: Waggon
Area: 83ha (206 acres)
Yield: 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre).
Crop: Spring barley
Variety: Optic
Area: 73ha (180 acres)
Yield: 7.2t/ha (2.9t/acre)