Record rapeseed near Droxford

Oilseed rape yields have broken Stephen Horn’s record at Bushy Down Farm, Droxford, Hampshire, despite suffering frost damage earlier in the year.
“Yields have generally been very good – and the Cabernet has outperformed all expectations,” he said.
So far the 57ha (140 acres) of Cabernet had yielded 4.8t/ha (1.95t/acre) over a weighbridge, while Vision averaged 4.6t/ha (1.85t/acre).
Castille yielded 4.2t/ha (1.7t/acre) – usually the overall rapeseed average for the farm.
Cabernet on lighter chalk was not performing quite so well, although it was still pleasing, and Mr Horn then had 16ha (40 acres) of Flash to cut later this week.
“After that it will be a toss up between the peas and spring barley.” The 89ha (220 acres) of Sakura marrowfat peas were standing very nicely and looked good.
“It will be a real treat to cut them standing up.”
Concerto and Quench spring barley was five to seven days away, and looked reasonable considering the lack of rain since Easter Monday.
“We’ve got good fields and bad fields, but it looks better than it did a couple of months ago.”
Gallant and Panorama winter wheat looked very well, while Einstein had lost a lot of tillers and was very short and thin, he added. “But it has some huge ears on it, so we’ll just have to wait and see.”
Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: Cabernet
Area: 57ha (140 acres)
Yield: 4.8t/ha (1.95t/acre)
Variety: Vision
Area: 12ha (30 acres)
Yield: 4.6t/ha (1.85t/acre)
Variety: Castille
Area: 45ha (112 acres)
Yield: 4.2t/ha (1.7t/acre)