BeefExpo: Cost-sharing in the spotlight

Controversial proposals for animal health and cost sharing will be under scrutiny at this year’s BeefExpo, to be held at Hexham Auction Mart on Thursday 27 May.

Visitors attending one of the event’s seminars will hear from Rosemary Radciffe from the Animal Health Responsibility and Cost Sharing Programme Advisory Group, about how the group will oversee proposals.


Rosemary Radcliffe will talk about animal health and disease cost-sharing at Hexham.
Ms Radcliffe will also act as main speaker for the pre event conference (Wednesday 26 May), to be held at Hexham’s Wentworth Leisure Centre between 4pm and 6pm.

Animal health and cost sharing measures, which DEFRA wish to impose, is a controversial issue which is giving farmers a great deal of concern, explains Scott Donalson, chairman of the BeefExpo 2010 organising committee.

“Ms Radcliffe’s comments will be of particular interest in light of the General Election,” he says.

Other speakers at the conference include Stuart Ashworth, head of economic services at Quality Meat Scotland, who will outline the economic trends and opportunities for UK beef.

Former Farmers Weekly Farmer of the Year John Geldard will also talk about how he pioneered the food hub concept by supplying a locally-produced food product to Asda from his Plumgarth farm shop.

Farm visits

Attendees will also have the opportunity to visit two contrasting Northumberland beef farms before the pre-event conference. Jamie Wood, who manages his family’s large scale commercial breeding and finishing enterprise at Prendwick and Rothill Farms, Alnwick, will host one of the visits, followed by Howard Forster and Sons, owners of the well known pedigree British Charolais herd, Beaumont House, Hexham.

Visitors to Prendwick and Rothill Farms will also be able to view a new Roundhouse building.


Those visiting the main BeefExpo will be able to see more than 350 cattle representing 22 different breeds, with organisers promising to deliver the most comprehensive display of beef cattle ever seen at the event.

BeefExpo provides the ideal opportunity for pedigree and commercial beef producers to assess the rich tapestry of breeds which contribute to the UK’s world leading beef industry, says Mr Donaldson.

“All breeds of commercial significance will be represented and, in addition to the pedigree and cross-bred cattle on display, experts will be on hand to discuss the particular advantage of their breed.”

Other features of the event include more than 120 trade stands, technical and practical demonstrations, stockjudging competitions, a comprehensive seminar programme and the National Spring Spectacular Show.


Labelled as one of the major annual events for the cattle industry, the National Spring Spectacular Show of beef cattle will be open to both commercial beef cattle by both Continental and native breed sires with a total prize pool of more than £5000.

The 20 classes to be judged by Archie MacGregor, Glasgow, will include sections for baby calves up to 425kg (steers) and 400kg (heifers) and steers and heifers by native breeds, Limousin, British Blue, Charolais and other continental breed sires.

£10,000 prize bull

A novel bull judging competition will also give breeders entering bulls a one in sixteen chance of winning £10,000 and competitors the opportunity of winning the bull placed first. And those bulls that do not take home the winning prize will be auctioned off on the day.

Event information

Thursday 27 May, Hexham Auction Mart, Tyne Green, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 3SG

Open 9am – 5pm

Tel: 01430 441 870



Tickets can be bought prior to the event by filling out a form at

£15 on the gate (children under 16 go free)

Pre bought £8 for NBA members, £12 Non NBA members.

Pre-event conference (Wednesday 26 May)

Wentworth Leisure Centre, Hexham, 4pm-6pm

Conference only £6, conference and dinner £36.

Farm tours (Wednesday 26 May)

Farm tour £15 (includes coach and packed lunch) – coaches leave Hexham Mart at 8.45am and return for the conference at 4pm.

Keep up to date with all the results from the Beef Expo’s National Spring Spectacular on our Taking Stock blog during the event.