Pleasing results at Thwaite Hall

Wheat harvest is in full swing at Thwaite Hall Farm, Bungay, Norfolk, and Matt Haddingham is pleased with the results so far.
“Rapeseed harvest was a stop start affair but wheat is progressing well with only one wet day out of ten,” he said.
Flotation tyres and the Claydon direct drill had helped to keep the combine going in the wetter conditions.
“We direct drilled all the crops last year which helped keep the ground firm and we’ve made no mess or got stuck.”
So far Mr Haddingham had cut 200ha winter wheat, 120ha of which was Grafton.
“Grafton did well, averaging just under 10t/ha,” he said. “Moistures started at about 16.5% but after the first 80 tonnes, they came down to about 12%, which was a little too dry.”
JB Diego also did well averaging 10.5t/ha, but both fields of Santiago were slightly disappointing at 8.5t/ha.
“Santiago doesn’t look to be living up to expectations. There’s plenty of straw; it’s certainly a thick crop, but there just aren’t the grains.”
However, Mr Haddingham remained optimistic. “Considering the earlier weather, crops have fared well.
“I’m not sure how quality will come out but the grains on Grafton look good and I’m happy about the yields.
“Some of the crops looked as if they’d do 12t/ha two months ago but they’re still pretty good.”
He now had 80ha of wheat left to cut, followed by a gap before moving into winter beans.
“I’d say the beans will be ready in 10-14 days and who knows when for the spring beans.
“There’s been a lot of disease this year and we’ve had to spray three times with fungicides. Disease is rife so it’s been an expensive year.”
Mr Haddingham was looking ahead to the next season and planned to put everything back in the ground with the Claydon drill after this year’s success.
“All the crops established well and have yielded well so we’re going to do the same again next year.”
Crop: Wheat
Variety: Santiago
Area: 12ha
Yield: 8.5t/ha
Variety: Grafton
Area: 120ha
Yield: <10t/ha
Variety: Diego
Area: 68ha
Yield: 10.5t/ha