Waiting for the weather in Dorset

Harvest continues to be a stop start affair for Peter Snell at North Farm, Horton, Dorset, although he hopes to start drilling tomorrow (21 August).
“We had a shower this morning and it’s looking cloudy now, so we’re just waiting to see when to start combining again,” he said.
“We had 22mm of rain last week and then another 7mm overnight, but ground conditions are alright. We’re planning on drilling rapeseed tomorrow.”
Although harvest had been hampered by the rain, Mr Snell had managed to catch some of the dry spells to cut all his winter barley and rapeseed, which came in dry.
“Rapeseed did about 3.95t/ha and winter barley about 7.93t/ha,” he said.
He had also started combining Tipple spring barley, which was coming in between 14% and 16.5% moisture.
“There’s still some greenery in the tram lines which makes combining hard work and raises the moisture, especially in the morning or if we’re going late at night.”
Yields were standing at around 6.4t/ha with bushel weights at about 62kg/hl.
About 40ha of Gallant winter wheat had also been cut, yielding a disappointing 7.44t/ha.
Mr Snell now had Cordiale first and second wheat to combine, although some wasn’t quite fit.
“The Hagberg falling number and protein on the Cordiale are fine but the bushel weight may get it a few knocks on price.”
While quality and quantity weren’t anything to write home about, he was hoping prices would make up for it.
“Prices are exciting at the moment so hopefully our crops should do alright,” he added.
Crop: Winter Wheat
Variety: Gallant
Area: 40ha
Yield: 7.44t/ha
Crop: Spring barley
Variety: Tipple
Yield: 6.4t/ha