Pleasantly surprised at East Cowes

Mark Orlick has finished harvest at Newbarton Farm, East Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, and is pleased with the results.
With 366t of oats, 873t of wheat and 175t of rapeseed, he was pleasantly surprised, despite harvest being a stop start affair.
“At one time we thought we’d have nothing, but it’s been quite good, considering.
“Wheat has averaged about 8-9t/ha which, in a year like this, has been good, and oats were surprisingly good too.”
Solstice performed better than both Cordiale and Gallant, although there was variation between fields, said Mr Orlick.
While June and July were quiet months on the farm due to on-going poor weather, it was all hands on deck to make hay, harvest crops and bale straw.
“We’ve probably baled less straw this year, just because we’ve had to make hay, harvest and bale all at the same time. It was very stop start.”
With harvest complete, thoughts had turned to cultivations, with ploughing and seedbed preparations firmly underway.
“We should be drilling rapeseed by tomorrow (4 September) as we need to hit the small window of opportunity.”
Crop: Winter Wheat
Variety: Solstice, Cordiale, Gallant
Yield: 8-9t/ha