Farmers offered help to keep up with environmental regulations

Do you have trouble keeping up with the latest environmental regulations? You are not alone – over three-quarters of farmers interviewed for a recent NetRegs survey could not name any environmental legislation.

As a result, the agency has introduced a new service which it is hoping will help producers keep abreast of the latest developments affecting their sector.

Farmers can register to receive free email updates about environmental issues affecting them and links to further information and advice. 

The e-alerts can be personalised to provide information relating to the agriculture sector, such as details of the new rules on agricultural waste, as well as more general environmental updates on subjects including water and land.
To register for the e-alert service visit and click on the NetRegs e-alerts button. Farmers can follow the link for the NetRegs Registration Page and then sign up for the ‘Natural Resources’ newsflashes and alerts.

NetRegs is a joint initiative between the Environment Agency in England and Wales, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Environment and Heritage Service (Northern Ireland).