Weaving Subdisc cuts maintenance requirements

The latest Subdisc II from Weaving Machinery, based in Shropshire, has gained improved operating features.
Based on the simple design of the Subdisc, the Subdisc II still uses two rows of low-draft subsoiling legs, followed by a row of 12 scalloped mixing discs with a Guttler roller providing a final chopping and consolidating action.
The 12 scalloped mixing discs are now mounted on an improved, sealed-for-life bearing, reducing the need for daily maintenance and improving service life. New trashboards are now mounted within the machine’s frame to reduce the overall transport width, however when in work the trash boards are able to flare out to maintain the same working width as the original Subdisc design.
All adjustments are spannerless and depth control has been simplified. Also, the working depth of the legs is able to be changed by inch increments from 4-16”. The Subdisc II now also incorporates a heavier-duty frame with integral LED lights and parking stands.