4 top machines for grain measuring and monitoring

Keeping a close eye on grain moisture and quality can make the difference between getting paid premium prices for your crops or not.
Scroll down to see a few of the machines available on the market.
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Casella airflow meter
The Casella airflow meter measures the flow of air passing through grain and other products stored in bulk so that cooling and drying targets can be met.
Price £255 from Martin Lishman.
Perten Instruments Aquamatic 5200 benchtop meter
Perten Instruments’ Aquamatic 5200 benchtop meter provides moisture and specific weight analysis in just 10 seconds.
It uses high-frequency technology to penetrate deep into samples to provide analysis regardless of temperature and crop type. On the front there is a simple-to-use touchscreen to guide the process.
Price from £3,500 from Calibre Control International.
See also:Â 8 popular moisture meters put to the test
Perten Inframatic 8800 NIR Grain Grader
A GPS module on the Perten Inframatic 8800 Grain Grader allows growers to map protein distribution in crops and identify those that meet specification and should be segregated to optimise quality premium payments.
The portable near infrared (NIR) instrument can be used in the field powered by its rechargeable battery.
It can also be used at the grain store and can provide measurements of nitrogen and oil content, which are suitable for monitoring quality parameters of oilseed crops in addition to wheat and barley.
Prices from £8,500 from Calibre Control International.
Lishman Protimeter Grainmaster
The Protimeter Grainmaster i-S comes with 15 pre-programmed crop calibrations and the company claims some robust electronics will give it a high level of repeatability between samples.
The Protimeter comes with a grinding mill (left) included with the kit and can also be used with a 1.5m stainless steel temperature probe (see top of page) suitable for quality assurance checks and basic cooling fan management.
A 1.5m moisture and temperature probe is also available for checking drying progress, multiple intake measurements and quality assurance checks.
The Grainmaster i-S has nine pre-programmed calibrations for this probe.
Prices Grainmaster i-S £539, grain temperature probe £106, temperature and moisture probe £257 from Martin Lishman.