Livestock Event 2016: Exhibitors threaten boycott of 2017 dairy shows

Exhibitors at this year’s Livestock Event have threatened to boycott next year’s new show and the UK Dairy Day unless RABDF and Holstein UK agree to merge events.
Last week (June 28) RABDF announced the Livestock Event would be moving back to its original September date on the 6th and would refocus its attention on dairy.
However, this means the event will run one week before the UK Dairy Day, Telford, launched by Holstein UK in 2014. Holstein UK set up the event to offer a dairy-only show when the Livestock Event widened its remit to beef and sheep in 2013.
See also: Livestock Event 2016: Gold Cup winner announced
RABDF and Holstein UK have been in continuing discussions about amalgamating the two events but so far no agreement has been reached.
However, angry and frustrated exhibitors at this year’s Livestock Event at the NEC, Telford, claimed they would boycott both events in 2017 in protest.
Ray Fay from Teemore Engineering said: “We really need to give them all two fingers next year.
“We are all wasting too much time and money going to shows – and just because they have had a wee falling out like children in a playground.”
Industry must work together
David Dunlop, marketing director at genetics company ABS Genus said they were seriously considering not attending either event.
We are all wasting too much time and money going to shows – and just because they have had a wee falling out like children in a playground Ray Fay, Teemore Engineering
“I think it is wrong for the industry to have two events one week apart. We are asking farmers to get together and if they can’t do that it is not a very positive message.”
Gareth Davies from Ireland Genetics slammed the organisations for not working together for the greater good of the industry.
“At a time of turmoil like now the industry should be pulling together and working for a common goal opposed to creating even more divide. They should be setting an example,” he said.
“I think there should be a concerted effort by industry supporters to show their frustrations by agreeing to boycott both events next year.”
Others that said they would consider boycotting the event include feeder wagon merchant Trioliet, Agri-King and chemical company Nufarm.
Two shows ‘too costly’
Meanwhile Midland Slurry Systems, milking machine manufacturer DeLaval, feed wagon supplier Keenan, Healthy Hooves, French machinery manufacturer Jeantil and hoof-trimming equipment supplier Wopa, said they would be forced to pick between the two because it would be too costly to attend both, particularly in the same month.
But everyone Farmers Weekly spoke to was agreed the two events needed to amalgamate to reduce costs and time.
HSBC’s Euryn Jones, said: “I think it would be very good for the industry to have one, good event at a good location and I very much hope organisers of both events are able to work effectively together for the benefit of the industry.”
Duncan Forbes MD from Kingshay consultancy group said: “It is going to head for disaster if we have two events in September in the same part of the world.
“Practical dairy farmers are not going to respect either organisation if they can’t find a way of working together. We need co-operation in this industry.”
Joint venture
RABDF chairman Mike King said the organisation desperately wanted to reach an agreement, adding: “It is imperative we do work together for the good of the industry and the signal is loud and clear, especially in these challenging times.”
Meanwhile Hannah Williams, events manager for Holstein UK, said: “We are more than willing to continue discussions with the RABDF about a possible joint venture and we appreciate it’s not good for the UK dairy industry to have two events one week apart from each other.”
However, she reiterated that Holstein UK had contractually agreed the event would be held at the International Centre for the next three years.