Farmer Focus: Spring has sprung in Northumberland

Following a lot of rain in November and December, some fields have been too wet to graze sheep.
Grass typically lasts until the tups are removed, or the turn of the year. Then we have to start feeding the in-lamb ewes and ewe hoggs with clover or grass silage.
We also need to plan ahead so we have 1,400-1,500kg DM/ha of grass in April for lambing, and at this time of year it will take 90 days to grow.
The tups came in just before new year after 34 days. We have also tupped 100 ewe lambs (45kg and over) for the first time. A teaser was in for 14 days and then tups for only 17 days. We scan in mid-February, so we will know the results then.
The brassicas are now all eaten off, and the remaining lambs to finish are inside, being fed red clover silage and crushed oats.
The new cattle building, which will be used to house weaned calves, will start to go up this week. All the cows and bulls have been tested for Johne’s, fluked and received their BVD and leptospirosis booster jabs. We will shortly get the results of the Johne’s tests.
See also: Read more from all the livestock Farmer Focus writers
I recently attended the Northern Beef and Sheep Conference, which was well organised and well attended. It was good to see the NFU and AHDB working together, and the audience was made up predominantly of farmers.
I would like to thank those who contacted me about our quest for diversification projects. We have received great emails and are starting to put plans into action.
We have noted that location is key, and being located in mid-Northumberland rules out a considerable number of ventures.
However, we are aiming to look at ventures that add value to our existing assets as well as producing a new income. Simple – hopefully!
Finally, spring has sprung here, with six goslings arriving with the snow.
Simon Bainbridge runs a 650ha organic farm in Northumberland alongside his wife Claire and his parents. With 150 suckler cows and 1,500 breeding ewes, healthy maternal livestock and quality feed are priorities.