Dairy cattle diseases and pests
Advice and help on how to avoid and deal with a range of dairy cattle diseases, pests and infections.
Information, research and tips on controlling mastisits
Using vaccines – facts and case study
Cutting mastitis rates by rotating dry cows at pasture
Controlling mastitis with a gold-standard parlour routine – case study
Strategies for dealing with Bovine Viral Diarrhoea
The role of biosecurity in the battle against BVD
Vaccination as part of a systematic control programme
Strategies across the UK to eradicate BVD
Tag and testing calves against BVD
How a holistic strategy has tackled the disease
How early treatment can have long-term benefits
Expert advice to tackle pneumonia
How building design can prevent a pneumonia outbreak
Johne’s disease
Facts on Johne’s disease and farm case study
How a national monitoring programme cut disease in Holland
The symptoms explained and how to tackle this metabolic disease
Milk fever
Reducing cases with calcium boluses
Preventing lameness with track maintenance and foot care
How to scabble surfaces to protect feet and case study