Opinion: Let’s get the haggis back on American tables

The guy who owns the hotel 20 miles up the road from where I live has done well for himself – he has just become the president of America.
The Trump Turnberry Hotel, in South Ayrshire, looks out on to the iconic Ailsa golf course.
It’s the golf course that features that beautiful view of the lighthouse with the Ailsa Craig jutting up out of the Irish Sea in the background.
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Flag flying
Now that Donald is in charge at Turnberry, there is also the biggest Saltire flag I’ve ever seen flying on a flagpole in front of the hotel.
It looks to be about the size of a tennis court when it’s billowing in the wind. All done in the best possible taste – of course.
The Donald has a bit of a soft spot for Scotland – which is possibly not reciprocated by everyone who lives here. Not least by “The Sturgeon”. She’s not impressed by Donald (Where’s yer trousers) Trump.
Scottish affinity
But, Trump’s mother came from an island off the west coast so this could explain his affinity for Scotland.
He has a passion for golf and iconic Scottish symbols of wealth such as the Turnberry hotel and the famous Ailsa golf course.
They are jewels in his crown. Then there’s that huge Saltire. Mr Trump is trying to impress the natives.

Trump’s Turnberry Hotel © Design Pics Inc/Rex/Shutterstock
I’m not going to get my hopes up too early here, but I think the planets are aligned.
Another great Scottish icon has been knocking on America’s door for 46 years and no one has let it in.
Donald could be the man to answer the door. 2017 could be the year of the haggis.
Depending on how he’s feeling when he gets up in the morning, Trump seems to think he can change legislation with a stroke of his pen.
Coffee time
He hasn’t quite got the hang of how it works yet. But, once Mr Trump wakes up and smells the coffee (that the immigrant worker is making for him in the White House kitchen) I’m confident he will turn his attention to somewhere he can notch up an early victory in his presidency.
Free movement of haggis across America’s borders will sneak its way on to his “first-100-days” wishlist.
Since 1971, America has banned imports of Scottish haggis.
It’s the finely chopped pieces of sheep’s lungs that are used to make the traditional Haggis that Americans are so wary of.
No food products in America are allowed to contain that part of a sheep.
However, there is no scientific evidence to indicate there is any risk to human health and it’s those finely chopped pieces of lung that gives the traditional haggis its light texture.
But, it’s good that America takes the health and safety of its population so seriously.
In a country where you can easily buy a gun in a supermarket, you can’t obtain a haggis on health grounds.
Explosive edibles
Mind you, a one kilo Haggis, in the wrong hands, could take out six or seven Americans in one go if “it went off”.
The humble haggis is not to be scoffed at, either.
It should be viewed with some respect.
Sales in the UK and the rest of the world are measured in millions of pounds.
With 10 million Americans claiming Scottish ancestry, there is an eager market just waiting for the green light to come on for haggis from their “auld hame”.
I can just see the photo opportunity for Donald as he is being piped up the steps of Air Force One while carrying a haggis aloft in traditional style.
Two great puddings of two great races