AHDB open farm offers pig producers chance to improve performance

Pig producers in England will soon have access to a new “focus farm” that will test new technologies, provide demonstrations and help farmers share ideas.

The farm, which is being launched by AHDB Pork, is designed to improve physical and financial pig performance through a hands-on approach.

It will provide an opportunity for farmers, vets and industry experts to discuss challenges facing the pig industry through open discussions and tours of commercial units, while also providing a space to test out ideas and technologies.

The levy board said the farm project would “enable those in the pig industry to share real-time, real farm, real situational experiences and up-to-date knowledge to enhance pig performance.”

Charlotte Evans, technical innovation manager at AHDB Pork, said: “We’re encouraging the pig industry to get involved with the project from the outset. On our own we may not have all the answers, but together we can address some of today’s issues and work through them, pooling knowledge and experience.”

The first open meeting will be held in Lancashire on 20 June and is open to pig producers outside the county as well.

It will include a tour of the host focus farm and attendees will get the opportunity to review the data of the farmer, David Goodier, benchmark and then look at solutions that can be tested and monitored on his 250-sow unit.

Mr Goodier said: “We have the chance to review pig production issues together, as a united front, to find practical solutions to some of the biggest challenges we face.”

Attendees must register before Tuesday 14 June by emailing kt.pork@ahdb.org.uk or by calling 02476 478 792.