Potato industry launches CIPC stewardship plan

A potato industry initiative launched last week aims to prevent a key sprout suppressant being found in fresh and processed potatoes above maximum limits, thus securing its future use.

Chlorpropham is a vital tool for the potato industry in preventing sprouting, as there are no viable alternatives.

The Advisory Committee on Pesticides initially raised concerns over CIPC (chlorpropham) residues back in 2007, which prompted the industry to act with the implementation of a five-point plan in the past five years.

This included the setting up of the Potato Industry CIPC stewardship group and promotion of best practice, including a store checklist.

“These measures have resulted in changes in application and growers have a much better understanding of controls compared with five years ago,” says Mike Storey, chairman of the stewardship group.

But despite this huge progress, in the five years the group has existed there have been seven exceedances, with levels above the maximum residue limit of 10mg/kg.

“This is seven too many and the stewardship needs to continue,” says Dr Storey.

Back in January, the group submitted a report and are awaiting the outcome of the ACP, which will dictate the future of CIPC. But rather than wait, the industry is being proactive in launching the “Be CIPC Compliant” campaign with new measures ahead of the new storage season.

Looking at the seven exceedances, there are common themes that have helped shape the new measures. Dr Storey highlights that most involved potatoes for the fresh sector and all but one involved box stores.

There are new recommendations on the label, the first being that growers should apply early, within three weeks of harvest, or at the earliest occasion thereafter, even in the absence of signs of breaking dormancy.

In cold stores, CIPC should only be used once and carried out before the crop falls below 7C. Adrian Cunnington, head of Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research, explains that evidence shows the chlorpropham degradation rate in cold stores is slower.

“Fans should recirculate store air for at least six hours before application without cooling, to ensure there is an even temperature in the store.”

In addition, the CIPC store checklist is now required under Red Tractor, having previously been voluntary.

Sharon Hall, who is also part of the group, adds that it is targeting the whole industry. “We want to keep it in the front of growers’ minds, so we are not just targeting those not getting it right.

“We also want to help communicate to legislators what we are doing.”

She adds that the group has secured a commitment from the supply chain with both the potato processors association and fresh potato suppliers association committed to only source potatoes from CIPC-compliant stores.

“We are now looking to get commitment from other areas of the food chain.”

The campaign website www.cipccompliant.co.uk has resources on best practice, including the latest guidance, CIPC store checklists and news.

The Potato Council is also running a series of road shows in the coming weeks and will use the press, text alerts and industry newsletters to target growers.

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