Cereals 2013: New in-furrow fungicide for rhizoctonia control

Bayer CropScience will have a new in-furrow fungicide treatment for 2014 potato plantings, subject to approval.

Based on conventional chemistry, the liquid formulation can be applied using current application methods and will be recommended at a 3litres/ha rate.

The product has good activity on soil-borne rhizoctonia and combines two modes of action, so has good inherent resistance management, said Bayer’s campaign manager for root crops, Neil Thompson.

“It contains fluoxastrobin and pencycuron, with the latter being the active ingredient in our seed treatment Monceren,” added Mr Thompson.

The product has been commercially available in the Netherlands since 2008 and now leads the market for rhizoctonia, which can be both soil and seed borne.

The formulation also offers a reduction in silver scurf and control of black dot and the firm is confident of its crop safety record.

The imminent arrival of the new formulation comes on the back of Bayer’s acquisition of US bio-chemical company AgraQuest and the rights to its bio-fungicide prodct Serenade.

At present Serenade – which contains bacillus subtilis – only has an off-label approval for in-furrow use in potatoes, but Bayer is currently looking into the use of programmes for rhizoctonia.

Mr Thompson said there was the potential to use conventional chemistry in seed treatments and fungicides alongside Serenade.

“We are looking at the interactions between the various products and what implications it might have for application rates,” he explained.

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