Label changes: Avadex hit with three-crop rule

Growers fighting blackgrass have been dealt a blow, with the reapproval for granular herbicide Avadex restricting use to just three crops – winter and spring barley and winter wheat.

The tri-allate-containing product is relatively old, but has come back into vogue in recent years as cereal growers look to stack active ingredients at pre- and peri-emergence to get on top of the weed early.

See also: Tight restrictions on pyrethroid insecticide

This is has been driven by key post-emergence grassweed herbicides succumbing to herbicide resistance resulting in control within the crop becoming more difficult.

In addition to just three fully approved crops, the new label for Avadex is also set to lose all Extensions of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMU).

These include spring wheat, winter and spring oilseed rape and winter and spring linseed and a handful of other minor crops. In all, 24 crops have been reduced to three.

A 10m non-reducible aquatic buffer zone adjacent to watercourses has been added, which will come as a surprise for a granular product.

Reducing impact

Manufacturer Gowan’s UK marketing manager Dominic Lamb says the company has produced a plentiful supply of product carrying the old label and growers can secure supplies for the coming autumn and spring 2016.

The company is also working on renewing existing EAMUs for the new label and applying for sugar beet to be added as a full approval by spring 2017.

“In addition we’ve applied for an extension to the expiry date of 31 December 2015 for sales and 31 December 2016 for use.

“Logistically, large volumes of a granular product such as Avadex are more difficult to deal with, so this could take pressure off the supply chain and allow growers to secure product,” says Mr Lamb.

Popular tebuconazole-containing fungicide Folicur has also been re-registered with some significant changes.

All vegetable crops have been removed from the label and growers can now only use 1litre/ha of the product once through the cropping season in all approved crops.


Avadex Excel 15G



Active ingredient


Old Mapp number


New MAapp number


Label changes

  • Crops removed: combining pea, field bean, fodder beet, lucerne, mangel, red beet, red clover, rye (winter), sainfoin, sugar beet, triticale, vetch, vining pea, white clover
  • Approved crops: barley (spring), barley (winter), wheat (winter)
  • All crops now pre-emergence only
  • New 10m non-reducible aquatic buffer zone
  • All EAMUs end 30 September 2016 (*subject to review)

Use-up date

  • Sold through distributors until 30 September 2015
  • Use or dispose of by 30 September 2016 (*subject to review)

Sentinel says

“Avadex has started to come back into the mix for blackgrass control in spring crops, so this new approval is going to put pressure on growers using spring cropping to get on top of their blackgrass problem.”






Active ingredient


Old Mapp number


New Mapp number


Label changes

  • Crops removed: cabbage, carrot, horseradish, leek, parsnip, swede, turnip
  • Crops on label: barley, field bean, linseed, oats, oilseed rape, rye (winter), wheat
  • All crops now 1 litre/ha maximum individual dose and maximum of one application/ season
  • New latest application for oilseed rape: end of flowering

Use-up date

  • Sold through distributors until 30 June 2015
  • Use or dispose of by 30 June 2016

Sentinel says

“Folicur is a good, cost-effective product for controlling early yellow rust and ear disease in wheat, but it is now one strike and you’re out, so you’ll need to think about when is best to use it.”

Pesticide Watch

To help you keep up with key product label changes, Crops is working with Gatekeeper agronomists to highlight key Mapp number changes and the potential implications, keeping you on the right side of the law and aid with on-farm record keeping.

Sentinel is a decision support tool linked to Gatekeeper crop management software, a programme that helps arable farmers with record-keeping and legislation issues. For more details visit Farmplan or call 01594 545011


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