Wheat harvest under way in Kent with early yields at over 10t/ha

Combines have moved into winter wheat on the earliest of land, with initial figures indicating yields of over 10t/ha.

On the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, farm business Burden Bros’ director of farming Andrew Pendry said wheat was averaging 10.73t/ha over the 30ha already cut. Bushel weight is also pleasing at 81kg/hl.

“We’ve been combining a split field of Crusoe and Skyfall as a trial and the Skyfall seems to be running at a slightly higher protein of 13.6-13.7% compared with the Crusoe at 12.4-12.5%, but that does seem to be quite variable at the moment.

“However, Crusoe is yielding 0.75t/ha more so they should break out about even.”

On further analysis, the Skyfall showed protein of 13.2% and the Crusoe 12.3%.

Combining winter wheat

 The first crop of group 1 milling wheat was cut on Wednesday (29 July) with a total of 642ha to do. The last of the farm’s 200ha of rape seed was combined about 10 days ago.

“Yields are varying a little bit, it’s not quite so good on the headlands but when we get into the middle of the field we’re finding some really good wheat.There’s an awful lot of wheat to go yet, but so far so good,” he added.

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