Clone protesters deliver petition to Downing Street
Campaigners have delivered a petition to Downing Street pressing for an EU-wide ban on meat and milk from clones and their offspring.
The protest was organised by Compassion in World Farming and involved 35 campaigners dressed as David Cameron clones.
The stunt was arranged following the news that meat from clone-derived animals has entered the UK food supply chain.
The Food Standards Agency has launched a full investigation but stressed there is no evidence that consuming meat or milk from healthy clones poses a risk.
The letter to the Prime Minister said surrogate mothers of clones suffered greatly giving birth and farm animal clones would be bred to suffer.
“I urge the UK to take the lead in pressing the EU to ban the cloning of animals for food and the sale of meat and milk from cloned animals and their offspring,” it said.
“I don’t want my food to be contaminated with this kind of suffering.”